Meet the Team
to make an appointment:The Career Connections Center is providing both in-person and virtual career advising. Making an appointment on Handshake is easy!
1. Log into Handshake with your Clark email and password.
2. In the upper left-hand corner, select Career Center, and then Appointments.
3. Click the blue button that says Schedule a New Appointment.
4. From the options, select Career Connections Center.
5. From the options, select your desired topic.
6. Select your preferred date/time and appointment modality (in person or virtual). Note that for some days, there may be only a virtual option.
7. Complete the required question and click the green Request button.

Melisa Alves, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Student Success and Executive Director, Career Readiness
Location: ASEC, Room 110
Phone: 1-508-793-7168
Email Melisa with questions
Sawsan Berjawi
Sr. Associate Director of Operations & Communications
Location: ASEC, Room 116
Phone: 1-508-793-7307
Email Sawsan with questions
Lisa Chase
Associate Director, Internship & Experiential Learning Programs
Interactive Media Design & STEM Career Adviser
Location: ASEC, Room 114
Phone: 1-508-421-3806
Email Lisa with questions
Midaly Carrasquillo Delgado
Associate Director of Career Education & Advising
Health Professionals & Life Sciences Career Adviser
Location: ASEC, Room 120
Phone: 1-508-798-4329
Email Midaly with questions
Jeff Pini
Assistant Director of Internships & Experiential Learning
Social Sciences & STEM Career Adviser
Location: ASEC, Room 118
Phone: 1-508-793-7586
Email Jeff with questions
Andrea Tymeson
Student Success Coordinator
Location: ASEC, Room 101
Phone: 1-508-798-4327
Email Andrea with questionsProject, Internship, and Research Funding
Career Lab
The Career Lab is available to help with resume and application questions related to Opportunity Funding, including finding an award that fits your needs.
Location: ASEC, Room 119
Phone: 1-508-793-7258
Career Connections Center
Shaich Family Alumni and Student Engagement Center (ASEC Building)
939 Main St.
Worcester, MA 01610
1-508-421-3752 Fax
The Career Lab offers on-demand reviews of resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles 12 – 4 pm weekdays. Upload your documents, or make an appointment for the Career Lab on Handshake!